Then you are at the right place to vent your frustration and help others at the same time. Rude salespeople, pushy telemarketers, crooked politicians, public school teachers, dirty hotels, illegal aliens, aliens from space, Barack Obama, those mad at Barack Obama. Whatever. Whoever. Wherever.
Fill in the form below and tell the world why you’ve “had it up to here”. (We promise never to use your email for marketing purposes). We will posts all submissions (except for spam or porn, of course).
Gripe Form
It seems like everywhere I go, all day long, I hear people moaning and groaning and complaining. And what I notice is, is that most of people actually have legitimate gripes.
Have you ever dropped a suggestion in the suggestion box when you may as well have dropped it in the toilet? Have you ever complained about the flies in a greasy spoon only to be handed a used newspaper to swat them away? Or how about going to a City Council meeting only to be told you’re “out of order”?
Finally there is a place where you can feel free to rant and rave and just generally be mad as hell because you can’t take it any more. In fact, we wholeheartedly encourage it.
Got a gripe? CLICK HERE
The guy in the background keeps repeating “Errores! Errores!” Which means it was all an error and not a goal after all. Drives me nuts. (read more…)
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This is where you can submit suggestions about our website. We’ll look at them but we can’t promise where they’ll end up.