It was just a bad morning all together
It was just a bad morning all together. I hadn’t slept at all, had a big ass headache and my dumb ass husband was being a whinny little bitch. Stomping his big feet and crying ” I DON’T WOONA GET UP!”
Finally about an hour behind schedule we make it out of the apartment and r on the way to the bus stop to go to Orlando. My husband works there and I just needed to go that way. Oh yeh, the car is broken. About a half hour later the bus finally shows up and I’m happy as hell, even know it feels like a freezer in there. The only thing that keeps me sane is the thought of me getting to my destination in 30-45 min.
Half way to my destination my sanity was lost when some cock sucker side swiped my freaking bus and I was told I had to wait for another bus because its a hit and run and he has to call it in, by the way next bus will be here in about 30 min.
About an hour later I make it to where I was supposed to be an hour and a half ago. My Dumb ass husband is still with me and its 9 30 and he has to b at work by 10am. Its time to go back. Waiting for the bus back, and I timed it. We waited for an hour at the bus stop. That frickin’ hit and run screwed me both ways. Submitted by: Luda – Orlando, FL
Tags: public transportation, traffic
Maybe your dumb ass husband should buy a car. Or maybe a bus.